1 | Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada Inc. Scholarship | Several
@$1000 | -500 word essay addressing the scenario
-Advice received from interviews incorporated into the content of the essay
-Specifics on persons interviewed and the advice given as requested on Application Entry form | The Chairperson,
Education Committee
Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada, Inc.
20 Alma Street
Saint John, NB E2L 5G6
Application:www.solveyourdebts.com/english/scholarships | APRIL |
2 | Partnership for Access Awareness (PAANS) | 8@$1000 | -Be a person with a permanent disability
-Be a permanent resident of Nova Scotia
-Be entering or continuing studies in a Canadian post-secondary institution that is recognized by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
-Not be involved in the selection process or related to any scholarship selection committee member | Partnership for Access Awareness Nova Scotia
2786 Agricula Street
Suite 208
Halifax, NS
B3K 4E1
Application: https://www.nsleo.com/ | APRIL |
3 | Hockey Nova Scotia | 9 @ $1000 | -Registered during current playing season with HNS as a member in good standing (player or official).
-Must graduate from high school same year the award is presented.
-Must commence post secondary studies at a Canadian University or Community College in the same year the award is presented or the first year after Junior eligibility if playing Jr. Hockey.
-Must achieve a high level of academic excellence, exceptional hockey/officiating ability and is committed to the principle of fair play and sportsmanship. | Hockey Nova Scotia
6300 Lady Hammond Road
Suite 200
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3K 2R6
Application: www.hockeynovascotia.ca | APRIL |
4 | Royal Canadian Legion-Elsie Jean Lambert Scholarship | $1000 | -Financial need with special consideration given to children of Veterans
-Graduating student
-Attending a post secondary institution | Bursary Committee
Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command
The Royal Canadian Legion
61 Gloria McCluskey Avenue
Dartmouth, NS B3B 2Z3
Application: http://www.ns.legion.ca/index.php/programs/bursary | APRIL |
5 | Canadian Hospitality Foundation Scholarship | Varies | -Graduating student from high school
-Accepted full time in a Hotel, Food, or Tourism and Hospitality university degree program at Mt. Saint Vincent, Ryerson, University of Guelph or University of Calgary | Canadian Hospitality Foundation
300 Adelaide Street East
Suite 213
Toronto, ON
M5A 1N1
Application: www.thechf.ca/scholarships | APRIL |
6 | Royal Canadian Legion-Wales Scholarship | $6000 | Children/grandchildren of deceased/disabled veterans or pensioners
-Disabled Nova Scotian
-Starting or continuing post-secondary studies
-Ineligible to receive assistance from EAPD
| Bursary Committee
Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command
The Royal Canadian Legion
61 Gloria McCluskey Avenue
Dartmouth, NS B3B 2Z3
Application: http://www.ns.legion.ca/index.php/programs/bursary | APRIL |
7 | DivertNS Scholarships: Champion of the Environment Scholarship | $20,000 Dollars in Scholarships | Scholarship for students who have exemplified leadership in protecting our environment.
Application includes:
- a summary of recent environmental activities in your school or community.
- a letter of reference from someone in your school or community.
- a research essay on the issue of food waste.
- a contact information form (found on website). | Website:
https://divertns.ca/champion-environment-scholarship | APRIL |
8 | Nova Scotia Power Family Scholarships | 10@$1000 | -Must be the child of a regular employee or retiree
-Canadian citizen or landed immigrant
-Minimum of 75% | nspower.ca/scholarships | APRIL |
9 | Lions Club Memorial Scholarship | 2@$750 | -Volunteer in the community.
-75% average or higher.
-Continuing studies at any post-secondary institution.
-Write a 1-page
“What The Lions Club Means To The Community” | Student Services
Barb Urquhart
Application Form: lions-club-memorial-scholarship | APRIL |
10 | Student Council Leadership Scholarship | Varies | -Demonstrates leadership
within the school
-Good academic standing
-Excellent attendance | Student Services
Application Form: student-council-leadership-scholarship | APRIL |
11 | Robbie & Jean Shaw Scholarship | Varies | - Minimum 75% Avg
- Why the IWK is special to you
- Community involvement (both IWK and beyond)
- Hopes and dreams for the future
- Outline how the scholarship will make a difference for the recipient | IWK Foundation
B220-5855 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, NS B3H 4S2
Application: https://iwkfoundation.org/scholarship | APRIL |
13 | Royal Canadian Legion Bursary-Colchester Branch No. 26 | 6@$2000 | -Resident of Truro area served by Colchester Branch
-Reasonable academic standing
-Individual need
granddaughter of a legion member
-First year post-secondary
studies only | Application Form: http://cecstudentservices.ccrce.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Branch-No.-26.pdf | APRIL |
14 | Dr. Stanley Curtis Memorial Co-operative Scholarship | 2@$500 | -Applicants must be entering their first year of post-secondary studies
-Applicant or their parent/guardian must be an active member of a co-operative venture and/or applicant has 6 or more years in 4H.
-Preference given to active co-operative families
-Additional requirements include extra-curricular activities and community involvement
| Student Services
Application Form: Dr. Stanley Curtis Memorial Co-operative Scholarship | APRIL |
15 | Assumption Foundation Scholarship | Varies | -Grade point average of at
least 70% for the last completed school year
-Financial need
-Enrolled at a
college or university for the up-coming September
-Applications available at https://www.assomption.ca/en/Individuals/About-Us/Scholarships# | Assumption Place
770 Main Street
Moncton, NB
E1C 8L1
Phone: 506-853-8040
Fax: 506-853-5519 | APRIL |
16 | Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Education Award-Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship Program | Varies | -Resident of Nova Scotia
-Have Spina Bifida or Hydrocephalus
-Member of SBHANS | Bursary Program Committee
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Assoc. of Canada
977-167 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0V3
Application: http://www.sbhac.ca | APRIL |
17 | Royal Canadian Legion Bursary-Debert Branch No. 106 | 2@$750 | -Financial need
-Preference to Debert resident
-Not necessarily veteran’s grandchild
-Consideration given to study of geriatric care
-Medicine, nursing, but not limited to these | Debert Branch No. 106
Royal Canadian Legion
PO Box 81
Debert, NS
B0M 1G0
Application Form: Branch 106 Royal Canadian Legion | APRIL |
18 | Rotary Club of Truro Post-Secondary Educational Bursary | $1000 | -Must be attending CEC, NCHS, or SCA
-Pursuing studies at university/community college
-University entrance standing required | Bursary Selection Committee
Rotary Club of Truro
PO Box 115
Truro, NS
B2N 5B6
Application Form: rotary-club-of-truro-bursary | APRIL |
19 | Rutherford-Taylor-Forbes Memorial Scholarship | $1500 | -Student from the Stewiacke Valley area entering a post secondary educational institution
-Involvement in church activity, community activity
-Financial need
-Scholastic ability
-Preference will be given to the applicants entering in a humanitarian field | Please forward applications to Student Services
Charles Crouse
Application Form: rutherford-taylor-forbes-memorial-scholarship | APRIL |
20 | Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation Educational Bursary Program | 4@$500 | -NSEF member in Good Standing for the past two years.
-Lived in Nova Scotia for the past two years
-Post-secondary educational institute on a full time bases | Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation
5516 Spring Garden Road,
4th Floor
Halifax, NS
B3J 1G6
Application: www.horsenovascotia.ca | APRIL |
21 | Clean Economy Scholarship Program | Varies | -Have graduated from a NS High school with an average of 75% or B in your final year
-be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, and a permanent resident of NS
| Application form:
www.novascotia.ca/energyscholarship | APRIL |
22 | Nova Scotia Energy and Mines Scholarship for NSCC students | 8@$2500 | -Applying to NSCC
-Graduating student
-Canadian citizen or landed immigrant and a permanent resident of NS | Application form:
www.novascotia.ca/EnergyScholarship | APRIL |
23 | Top Talent Scholarship Program | $250 | -Academic achievement
-Referral | Apply on line: https://www.equals6.com/scholarships/ | APRIL |
24 | Nova Scotia Talent Trust | Varies | -Outstanding/exceptional talents and potential to become recognized artists in their chosen fields
-Priority given to those undertaking recognized program
-Resident of Nova Scotia (at least 4 years)
-Specific support materials (see application) for: Dance, Theatre, Musical Theatre & Opera; Literary Arts, Media Arts, Music and all audio tapes; Visual Arts, Film and Video
| Website:
http://www.nstalenttrust.ns.ca/Scholarships/Apply/ | APRIL |
25 | Bishop Colin Campbell Bursary | Varies | -Practicing Catholics living in the county of Colchester and Sheet Harbour district | Ron Vautour
12 Whitman Court
Truro, NS
B2N 3G3
Application Form: Bishop Colin Campbell Bursary | APRIL |
26 | Royal Canadian Legion-Cobequid Branch #72 | $500 | -Reside in Nova Scotia and be a Canadian Citizen
-Financial need
-Special consideration given to children of Veterans
-Letter of Acceptance | Royal Canadian Legion
Cobequid Branch 72
Great Village, NS
B0M 1L0
Application Form: Royal Canadian Legion Cobequid Branch 72 | APRIL |
27 | Antigonish Farmers' Mutual Scholarship Fund | 7@$1000 | -Parent(s)/guardian(s) must be a current policyholder of our Company
-Letter of acceptance | Scholarship Selection Committee
188 Main Street
Antigonish, NS
B2G 2B9
Application Form: Antigonish Farmers' Mutual Scholarship Fund | APRIL |
28 | Graham Pinsent Memorial Bursary | $500 | -LGBTQ youth who is 25 or under
-Accepted to post secondary education
-Financial need | http://youthproject.ns.ca/bursary/ | APRIL |
29 | Nova Scotia Emerging Leaders Scholarships | 4@$2500 | -Canadian citizen, landed immigrant and a resident of NS
-Minimum of 75%
-Planning on attending a Canadian University or College: Power Engineering, Power Line Tech, Instrumentation Tech, Engineering, Technology, Business, Marketing and Communication, Environmental Sciences or Law | nspower.ca/scholarships | APRIL |
30 | Angad Hundal Memorial Award | $5000 | -Any Nova Scotia Teenager 16-18 years old | http://angadhundalmemorialaward.ca/index.aspx | APRIL |
31 | Jordan Boyd Leadership Award | $2000 | -Participates in the sport of hockey
-Demonstrated a passion for sportsmanship, learning, leadership and community | jordanboyd.ca | APRIL |
32 | Chris Huskilson Emera Scholarship | $40000 | -Atlantic Canadian student in areas of science, technology, engineering, entrepreneurship or math
-Attending university in the region | www.emera.com/scholarships | APRIL |
33 | Nova Scotia Power African Nova Scotian Scholarships | 6@$2500 | -African NS student
-Canadian citizen whose parent(s) is/are of African descent and a resident of NS
-Planning on attending a Canadian University or College: Power Engineering, Power Line Tech, Instrumentation Tech, Engineering, Technology, Business, Marketing and Communication, Environmental Sciences or Law
-Minimum 75% | nspower.ca/scholarships | APRIL |
34 | Nova Scotia Power Women in Trades, Engineering, Technology and Innovation Scholarships | 6@$2500 | -Applicant must be a women
-Must be a Canadian citizen, landed immigrant and be a resident of NS
--Planning on attending a Canadian University or College: Power Engineering, Power Line Tech, Instrumentation Tech, Engineering, Technology, Business, Marketing and Communication, Environmental Sciences or Law
-Minimum of 75% | nspower.ca/scholarships | APRIL |
35 | Adrian Campbell Scholarship | $1500 | -Sportsmanship
-Proven interest and ability in the pursuit of an individualized endurance sport
-A dedication to their studies with a track record of academic success
-Well rounded lifestyle including non-academic interests and community involvement | http://www.adriancampbell.org/apply.html | APRIL |
36 | Nova Scotia Freemasons' Bursary-Fellowship Lodge 112 | $1500 | -Canadian citizen, resident of Colchester County, CEC graduate
-First year degree granting university/college in one of four Atlantic Provinces
-Minimum average of 75% in grade 12
-High qualities of citizenship, leadership, & sportsmanship | Return applications to Student Services: Nova Scotia Freemasons Bursary #112 | APRIL |
37 | Nova Scotia Freemasons' Bursary-North Star #74 | $2250 | -Canadian citizen, resident of Colchester County, CEC graduate
-First year degree granting university/college in one of four Atlantic Provinces
-Minimum average of 75% in grade 12
-High qualities of citizenship, leadership, & sportsmanship | Return applications to Student Services: 74Freemasons | APRIL |
38 | Nova Scotia Freemasons' Bursary-Truro Masonic Lodge #43 | $2250 | -Canadian citizen, resident of Colchester County, CEC graduate
-First year degree granting university/college in one of four Atlantic Provinces
-Minimum average of 75% in grade 12
-High qualities of citizenship, leadership, & sportsmanship | Return applications to Student Services: Nova Scotia Freemasons Bursary #43 | APRIL |
39 | George Bateman Memorial Scholarship | | -proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other)
| Application form:
https://www.apsea.ca/families-students/scholarships-aid.html | APRIL |
40 | Arlene Burris Memorial Scholarship | | -proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other)
| Application form:
https://www.apsea.ca/families-students/scholarships-aid.html | APRIL |
41 | APSEA Auxiliary Verna Munroe Volunteer Community Award | $250 | -proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other)
| Application form:
https://www.apsea.ca/families-students/scholarships-aid.html | APRIL |
42 | APSEA Auxiliary Raymond LeBlanc Bursary | $100 | -proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other)
| Application form:
https://www.apsea.ca/families-students/scholarships-aid.html | APRIL |
43 | APSEA Auxiliary Post-Secondary Bursary | $500 | -proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other) | Application form:
https://www.apsea.ca/families-students/scholarships-aid.html | APRIL |
44 | Emerge Scholarship | $2500 | -pursing post-secondary education | Application form:
https://tinyurl.com/vsdvk3g. | APRIL |
45 | Charlie A'Court Scholarship for Excellence in Music (CASEM) | $500 | -This award is open to musicians.
| Application form:
https://novascotia.ca/creativeaward/ | APRIL |
46 | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Award for Excellence in Visual Arts | $1000 | -Are graduating from a public Nova Scotia high school
-Have applied or been accepted to an arts-related post-secondary program | Application form:
https://novascotia.ca/creativeaward/ | APRIL |
47 | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Award for Excellence in Performing Arts | $1000 | -Are graduating from a public Nova Scotia high school
-Have applied or been accepted to an arts-related post-secondary program | Application form:
https://novascotia.ca/creativeaward/ | APRIL |
48 | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Award for Excellence in Digital Multimedia | $1000 | -Are graduating from a public Nova Scotia high school
-Have applied or been accepted to an arts-related post-secondary program | Application form:
https://novascotia.ca/creativeaward/ | APRIL |
49 | Amy Farnell Education Award | $3000 for up to 4 years | Be a resident of Nova Scotia.
Identify as being on the autism spectrum.
Have been accepted to, or currently enrolled in, any post-secondary institution.
Be registered to a course load that qualifies them as a full-time student.
Be more likely to pursue post-secondary education with this extra financial support. | Application form:
http://autismnovascotia.ca/amy-farnell-education-award | APRIL |
50 | Promise Scholarship Program | $1500-2000 | -Identify as First Nations, Metis, or Inuit
-Graduating student
-Minimum of 75% in their grade 11 couses
-Planning to apply to at least one health related program at a university/college/or other PSE institution | Application form:
https://www.atlantic-imn.ca/high-school-scholarships | APRIL |
51 | Sable Island Scholarship | $1500 | -Open to any grade 12 student in the NS school system
-Applied to post-secondary educational institution in 2021 | Application form:
www.sableislandfriends.ca | APRIL |
52 | Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship | $1500 | -CVFSA members or dependant children of members who are pursing their goal of higher education under the age of 25
| Application form:
https://cvfsa.ca/jim-hayter-memorial-scholarship/ | APRIL |
54 | Engineers Nova Scotia and Techsploration Award | $1000 | -Techsplorer Alumnae are eligible to apply
-Applicants must be accepted into a recognized engineering program as a full time student
-Grade 12 graduates of Techsploration school in NS, who are women, are eligible to apply. | Application form:
https://www.techsploration.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Engineers-NS-Scholarship.pdf | APRIL |
55 | AA Munro/Truro Minor Football Bursary | $1500 | -Truro Minor Football Alumni that is a graduating student
-CEC Football Cougar player an asset, but not a priority
-Shows leadership, sportsmanship, integrity and active as community member
-Financial need shall be considered, but not overriding the above | Application form:
http://cecstudentservices.ccrce.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-CEC-Football-Bursary-AA-MUNRO-TMFA-2.pdf-AA-Munro-Truro-Minor-Football-Award-2022.pdf | APRIL |
56 | Black Educators Association Bursary | $500 | -African NS learner -at least one parent to be of African descent
-Resident of NS
-Demonstrate financial need
-Continuing studies at post-secondary institution | Application form:
http://cecstudentservices.ccrce.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Black-Educators-Association.pdf | APRIL |
57 | Arnold G. Jones Bursary | $3000 | -Must be a child or grandchild of the Nova Scotia Association of REALTORS
| Application form:
https://www.nsrealtors.ca/NSREALTORS/Content/Mediainquiries/SocialInquiries.aspx?hkey=76435736-3832-4736-87a9-5fcd1d2611e3 | APRIL |
58 | The Michelle Misener Building Futures Bursary | Varies | -Applicants must be currently registered or previously involved in a mentoring program with BBBS Colchester. | Application form:
http://cecstudentservices.ccrce.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Misener-bursary.pdf | APRIL |