External Scholarships & Bursaries by Month

Note: It is incumbent upon students to monitor university websites regarding deadlines and criteria for major scholarships at those institutions. Also, Students applying to the US must be aware of the process and due dates for the Common Application for US Universities.


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
3Aboriginal Bursaries Search Tool.VariesVary

- 750 bursaries, scholarships, and incentives across Canada.

Aboriginal Bursaries
4Black Educators Association: A Selected listing of Scholarships & BursariesVariesVaryWebsite:

BFCN Scholarship Directory 2018
5ERA Scholarship CompetitionVariesProgram runs from January 1st and September 30https://www.era.ca/era-offers-1-million-and-100k-in-scholarships-for-2025/SEPTEMBER


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
1Morehead-Cain ScholarshipFour years, fully funded- A competitive applicant to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

- on track to graduate in the spring

- Be nominated by your High School

- required to have written SAT's in grade 11.
Apply online:
2Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarships$5000- graduating high school pursuing post-secondary studies.
- Critical financial need.
- Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity.
- Maintain a 65% avg
- Canadian citizen.
Apply online: https://horatioalger.ca/scholarships-and-services/scholarships/OCTOBER
3Lively Oracles ScholarshipVaries-Any high school student interested in the competitionwww.rehobothsprings.caOCTOBER
4Loran Scholars $100, 000-Graduating student
-Minimum cumulative average of 85%
-Canadian citizen or permanent resident status
-Be at least 16 years of age by September 1st of the following year
5TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples$15000-Indigenous students who are members/citizens of a First Nation, Metis, or Inuit community
-Full time (minimum of 2 year) post secondary program
There are no items to show in the "October" list.


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
1TD Scholarships For Community Leadership$75,000Have demonstrated community leadership

Are in final year of high school or CEGEP (in Quebec)

Have a minimum overall grade average of 75% in their most recently completed school year
Apply online or mail application to:
Universities Canada
Website: https://www.tdcanadatrust.com/products-services/banking/student-life/scholarship-for-community-leadership/index.jsp?cm_sp=cFALL000-886
Ref: TD Scholarships for Community Leadership
350 Albert Street, Suite 1710
Ottawa, ON K1R 1B1
2Schulich Leader Scholarships$80,000-$100,000You must be nominated by your High School. Come to CEC Student Services for your nomination package.
-Must possess at least two of three criteria:
-Academic Excellence
-Leadership (community, business or entrepreneurial)
-Financial Need
To qualify, Nominees must:
- Graduate high school
-Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- Enroll at one of our partner universities
3Livia Properties: Women In Trades Grant $2000-Graduate
-Enrolment in a trades program at the Truro Campus NSCC
There are no items to show in the "November" list.


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
1Burger King Scholar$1000-$50000- Have a strong academic record with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5,
- Be passionate about serving the community, and
- Be a high school senior, BURGER KING® employee, spouse/domestic partner or child of an employee.
2Lively Oracles Scholarships$150-500-Competition where each applicant must complete Bible based puzzles and write an essayTo sign up for competition email
There are no items to show in the "December" list.


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
1Kin Canada BursariesVaries-Canadian citizen
-Full time student at a recognized post-secondary institution
-Demonstrate high ideals and knowledge of kin
-Has not received a bursary from the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund

There are no items to show in the "January" list.


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
1CSLA Leadership Scholarship5@$1000-Minimum average of 70% in your graduation year
-Plan to attend an accredited Canadian post secondary institute
-Have made a superior contribution to Canadian student through membership in planning committees of major regional, provincial or national student leadership initiatives recognized by CSLA
-Have made a significant contribution to student leadership initiatives in their home community
CSLA Executive Director
2460 Tanner Road
Victoria, BC
V8Z 5R1
Application: Studentleadership.ca/what-we-do-2/awards-and-scholarships/
2Harrison McCain Scholarship/Bursary$16,000 (over 4 years)- 80% average in senior year of high school.
-Selection is based on academic performance, financial need, leadership qualities and a recognized initiative in funding own education.
-Check university websites for due dates (usually 1st of March).
Check the website of your chosen university.FEBRUARY
3IWK Future Health Research and Innovation Scholarship$2500-Minimum of 75% average
-Continuing your education at a Maritime post-secondary institution
-In a field related to research and/or innovation in health care
4Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund for Indigenous Students$2500 (renewable)-Canadian citizen or permanent resident
-Must be under the age of 25
-Program must be a minimum of 2 years


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
1Knights of Columbus Nova Scotia State Council-Simon J. Khattar Scholarship$500-Roman Catholic of good moral character
-Resident of Nova Scotia
-Based on academic standing
-Financial need
-Preference given to members of Knights of Columbus and immediately family
Ron Vautour
12 Whitman Court
Truro, NS
B2N 3G3

Application Form:knights-of-columbus-simon-j-khattar-scholarship
2Nova Scotia Power Employment Equity Scholarship4@$1500-Must be either disabled person, visible minority or Aboriginal person
-Graduate from high school
-Accepted into post secondary education
Nova Scotia Power Employment Equity Scholarship Committee
c/o Human Resources
1223 Lower Water Street
Halifax, NS B3J 3S8
Application: http://www.nspower.ca/en/home/community/scholarships/nova-scotia-power-employment-equity-scholarship.aspx
3Dr. P. Anthony Johnstone Entrance Scholarship$6000-Current NS high school graduate
-Entering first year of an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree at a Maritime university
-Have demonstrated interest in multiculturalism and human rights
-Resident of Nova Scotia
-Demonstrates leadership ability, and a contribution to cultural/youth activities
-Required: application, essay, list of leadership abilities, academic reports, leadership report
Johnstone Scholarship Committee
Trade Mart Building
2021 Brunswick Street
PO Box 578
Halifax, NS
B3J 3B7
Phone: 902-424-7154
Fax: 902-424-0651

Application: http://novascotia.ca/lae/scholarships/
4Lutz/Lutes Family Scholarship$1000-Financial need
-Academic achievement
Lutz Mountain Heritage Foundation inc.
3143 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB E1G 2X1
5The Wessex Scholarship$5000-Post secondary health care degree level program
-Community service
-Minimum average of 80%
6IODE Nova Scotia Provincial Chapter Bursary$500 -Student in need of financial
help to continue education.
Info Cover Letter:
2025 bursary cover letter to schools
Shelley Reycraft
PO Box 451
Middleton, NS BOS 1P0
Application: 2024 - IODE Provincial Bursary application
7John Abbass Sr. Memorial Scholarship$3000-Minimum 80%
-Family business work experience, or exposure to and understanding of family business
-Extra curricular activities
8Donald R. Sobey Bursary$2500-planning on attending NSCC full time
-Financial need
9Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture Scholarship$1000-Part of the Agriculture Classroom
11Grow Where You're Planted Summer Student, CasualVaries-African NS Student
-BSc (Agriculture program)
-Canadian university
12Honouring Mi'kmaw Roots Summer Student, CasualVaries-Mi'kmaw student
-BSc student
-Canadian university
13Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Program$10000-A permanent resident of Canada
-Between the ages of 17-24
-Have experienced the death of a parent or legal guardian who had little or no life insurance coverage
14Nova Scotia Youth Climate Bursary$2500-24 years old or younger by May 1, 2024
-Living in NS and pursuing and education program, course, or training opportunity that will help to address climate change in the province
-Canadian citizen, permanent resident, refugee, or international student with a valid Canadian study permit
15The Andrew and Nick Blair Memorial ScholarshipVaries-A student pursuing a trade or attending trade school in the fall
-Preference - financial need
16Sergeant Robert Bilby Memorial Bursary$750-Grade 12 student who desires and preparing to become a law enforcement officer with a police agency, corrections officer or a Canada Border Services office
-Accepted and entering a post secondary institution in criminal justice, criminology program or Canada Border Services College
Write a short essay following the three criteria
-What attributes do you bring to law enforcement?
-Why do you want to be a police officer or corrections officer?
-Tell us what policing in the modern era means to you?
Return application to Student Services at the end of March
17Truro Home Hardware Ubuntu Bursary$2500 per year for 4 years and offer for summer employment-ANS male or female
-Financial need
Essay - Why and how would this bursary benefit you on your education journey?
Return application to Student Services at the end of March


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
1Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada Inc. ScholarshipSeveral
-500 word essay addressing the scenario
-Advice received from interviews incorporated into the content of the essay
-Specifics on persons interviewed and the advice given as requested on Application Entry form
The Chairperson,
Education Committee
Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada, Inc.
20 Alma Street
Saint John, NB E2L 5G6
2Partnership for Access Awareness (PAANS)8@$1000-Be a person with a permanent disability
-Be a permanent resident of Nova Scotia
-Be entering or continuing studies in a Canadian post-secondary institution that is recognized by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
-Not be involved in the selection process or related to any scholarship selection committee member
Partnership for Access Awareness Nova Scotia
2786 Agricula Street
Suite 208
Halifax, NS
B3K 4E1
Application: https://www.nsleo.com/
3Hockey Nova Scotia9 @ $1000-Registered during current playing season with HNS as a member in good standing (player or official).
-Must graduate from high school same year the award is presented.
-Must commence post secondary studies at a Canadian University or Community College in the same year the award is presented or the first year after Junior eligibility if playing Jr. Hockey.
-Must achieve a high level of academic excellence, exceptional hockey/officiating ability and is committed to the principle of fair play and sportsmanship.
Hockey Nova Scotia
6300 Lady Hammond Road
Suite 200
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3K 2R6
Application: www.hockeynovascotia.ca
4Royal Canadian Legion-Elsie Jean Lambert Scholarship$1000-Financial need with special consideration given to children of Veterans
-Graduating student
-Attending a post secondary institution
Bursary Committee
Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command
The Royal Canadian Legion
61 Gloria McCluskey Avenue
Dartmouth, NS B3B 2Z3
Application: http://www.ns.legion.ca/index.php/programs/bursary
5Canadian Hospitality Foundation ScholarshipVaries-Graduating student from high school
-Accepted full time in a Hotel, Food, or Tourism and Hospitality university degree program at Mt. Saint Vincent, Ryerson, University of Guelph or University of Calgary
Canadian Hospitality Foundation
300 Adelaide Street East
Suite 213
Toronto, ON
M5A 1N1
Application: www.thechf.ca/scholarships
6Royal Canadian Legion-Wales Scholarship$6000Children/grandchildren of deceased/disabled veterans or pensioners
-Disabled Nova Scotian
-Starting or continuing post-secondary studies
-Ineligible to receive assistance from EAPD
Bursary Committee
Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command
The Royal Canadian Legion
61 Gloria McCluskey Avenue
Dartmouth, NS B3B 2Z3
Application: http://www.ns.legion.ca/index.php/programs/bursary
7DivertNS Scholarships: Champion of the Environment Scholarship$20,000 Dollars in ScholarshipsScholarship for students who have exemplified leadership in protecting our environment.
Application includes:
- a summary of recent environmental activities in your school or community.
- a letter of reference from someone in your school or community.
- a research essay on the issue of food waste.
- a contact information form (found on website).
8Nova Scotia Power Family Scholarships10@$1000-Must be the child of a regular employee or retiree
-Canadian citizen or landed immigrant
-Minimum of 75%
9Lions Club Memorial Scholarship2@$750-Volunteer in the community.
-75% average or higher.
-Continuing studies at any post-secondary institution.
-Write a 1-page
“What The Lions Club Means To The Community”
Student Services
Barb Urquhart

Application Form: lions-club-memorial-scholarship
10Student Council Leadership ScholarshipVaries-Demonstrates leadership
within the school
-Good academic standing
-Excellent attendance
Student Services

Application Form: student-council-leadership-scholarship
11Robbie & Jean Shaw ScholarshipVaries- Minimum 75% Avg
- Why the IWK is special to you
- Community involvement (both IWK and beyond)
- Hopes and dreams for the future
- Outline how the scholarship will make a difference for the recipient
IWK Foundation
B220-5855 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, NS B3H 4S2
Application: https://iwkfoundation.org/scholarship
13Royal Canadian Legion Bursary-Colchester Branch No. 266@$2000-Resident of Truro area served by Colchester Branch
-Reasonable academic standing
-Individual need
granddaughter of a legion member
-First year post-secondary
studies only
Application Form: http://cecstudentservices.ccrce.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Branch-No.-26.pdfAPRIL
14Dr. Stanley Curtis Memorial Co-operative Scholarship2@$500-Applicants must be entering their first year of post-secondary studies
-Applicant or their parent/guardian must be an active member of a co-operative venture and/or applicant has 6 or more years in 4H.
-Preference given to active co-operative families
-Additional requirements include extra-curricular activities and community involvement
Student Services

Application Form: Dr. Stanley Curtis Memorial Co-operative Scholarship
15Assumption Foundation ScholarshipVaries-Grade point average of at
least 70% for the last completed school year
-Financial need
-Enrolled at a
college or university for the up-coming September
-Applications available at https://www.assomption.ca/en/Individuals/About-Us/Scholarships#
Assumption Place
770 Main Street
Moncton, NB
E1C 8L1
Phone: 506-853-8040
Fax: 506-853-5519
16Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Education Award-Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship ProgramVaries-Resident of Nova Scotia
-Have Spina Bifida or Hydrocephalus
-Member of SBHANS
Bursary Program Committee
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Assoc. of Canada
977-167 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0V3
Application: http://www.sbhac.ca
17Royal Canadian Legion Bursary-Debert Branch No. 1062@$750-Financial need
-Preference to Debert resident
-Not necessarily veteran’s grandchild
-Consideration given to study of geriatric care
-Medicine, nursing, but not limited to these
Debert Branch No. 106
Royal Canadian Legion
PO Box 81
Debert, NS
B0M 1G0

Application Form: Branch 106 Royal Canadian Legion
18Rotary Club of Truro Post-Secondary Educational Bursary$1000-Must be attending CEC, NCHS, or SCA
-Pursuing studies at university/community college
-University entrance standing required
Bursary Selection Committee
Rotary Club of Truro
PO Box 115
Truro, NS
B2N 5B6

Application Form: rotary-club-of-truro-bursary
19Rutherford-Taylor-Forbes Memorial Scholarship$1500-Student from the Stewiacke Valley area entering a post secondary educational institution
-Involvement in church activity, community activity
-Financial need
-Scholastic ability
-Preference will be given to the applicants entering in a humanitarian field
Please forward applications to Student Services
Charles Crouse

Application Form: rutherford-taylor-forbes-memorial-scholarship
20Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation Educational Bursary Program4@$500-NSEF member in Good Standing for the past two years.
-Lived in Nova Scotia for the past two years
-Post-secondary educational institute on a full time bases
Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation
5516 Spring Garden Road,
4th Floor
Halifax, NS
B3J 1G6
Application: www.horsenovascotia.ca
21Clean Economy Scholarship ProgramVaries-Have graduated from a NS High school with an average of 75% or B in your final year
-be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, and a permanent resident of NS
Application form:
22Nova Scotia Energy and Mines Scholarship for NSCC students8@$2500-Applying to NSCC
-Graduating student
-Canadian citizen or landed immigrant and a permanent resident of NS
Application form:
23Top Talent Scholarship Program$250-Academic achievement
Apply on line: https://www.equals6.com/scholarships/APRIL
24Nova Scotia Talent TrustVaries-Outstanding/exceptional talents and potential to become recognized artists in their chosen fields
-Priority given to those undertaking recognized program
-Resident of Nova Scotia (at least 4 years)
-Specific support materials (see application) for: Dance, Theatre, Musical Theatre & Opera; Literary Arts, Media Arts, Music and all audio tapes; Visual Arts, Film and Video
25Bishop Colin Campbell BursaryVaries-Practicing Catholics living in the county of Colchester and Sheet Harbour districtRon Vautour
12 Whitman Court
Truro, NS
B2N 3G3

Application Form: Bishop Colin Campbell Bursary
26Royal Canadian Legion-Cobequid Branch #72$500-Reside in Nova Scotia and be a Canadian Citizen
-Financial need
-Special consideration given to children of Veterans
-Letter of Acceptance
Royal Canadian Legion
Cobequid Branch 72
Great Village, NS
B0M 1L0

Application Form: Royal Canadian Legion Cobequid Branch 72
27Antigonish Farmers' Mutual Scholarship Fund7@$1000-Parent(s)/guardian(s) must be a current policyholder of our Company
-Letter of acceptance
Scholarship Selection Committee
188 Main Street
Antigonish, NS
B2G 2B9

Application Form: Antigonish Farmers' Mutual Scholarship Fund
28Graham Pinsent Memorial Bursary$500-LGBTQ youth who is 25 or under
-Accepted to post secondary education
-Financial need
29Nova Scotia Emerging Leaders Scholarships4@$2500-Canadian citizen, landed immigrant and a resident of NS
-Minimum of 75%
-Planning on attending a Canadian University or College: Power Engineering, Power Line Tech, Instrumentation Tech, Engineering, Technology, Business, Marketing and Communication, Environmental Sciences or Law
30Angad Hundal Memorial Award$5000-Any Nova Scotia Teenager 16-18 years oldhttp://angadhundalmemorialaward.ca/index.aspxAPRIL
31Jordan Boyd Leadership Award$2000-Participates in the sport of hockey
-Demonstrated a passion for sportsmanship, learning, leadership and community
32Chris Huskilson Emera Scholarship$40000-Atlantic Canadian student in areas of science, technology, engineering, entrepreneurship or math
-Attending university in the region
33Nova Scotia Power African Nova Scotian Scholarships6@$2500-African NS student
-Canadian citizen whose parent(s) is/are of African descent and a resident of NS
-Planning on attending a Canadian University or College: Power Engineering, Power Line Tech, Instrumentation Tech, Engineering, Technology, Business, Marketing and Communication, Environmental Sciences or Law
-Minimum 75%
34Nova Scotia Power Women in Trades, Engineering, Technology and Innovation Scholarships6@$2500-Applicant must be a women
-Must be a Canadian citizen, landed immigrant and be a resident of NS
--Planning on attending a Canadian University or College: Power Engineering, Power Line Tech, Instrumentation Tech, Engineering, Technology, Business, Marketing and Communication, Environmental Sciences or Law
-Minimum of 75%
35Adrian Campbell Scholarship$1500-Sportsmanship
-Proven interest and ability in the pursuit of an individualized endurance sport
-A dedication to their studies with a track record of academic success
-Well rounded lifestyle including non-academic interests and community involvement
36Nova Scotia Freemasons' Bursary-Fellowship Lodge 112$1500-Canadian citizen, resident of Colchester County, CEC graduate
-First year degree granting university/college in one of four Atlantic Provinces
-Minimum average of 75% in grade 12
-High qualities of citizenship, leadership, & sportsmanship
Return applications to Student Services: Nova Scotia Freemasons Bursary #112APRIL
37Nova Scotia Freemasons' Bursary-North Star #74$2250-Canadian citizen, resident of Colchester County, CEC graduate
-First year degree granting university/college in one of four Atlantic Provinces
-Minimum average of 75% in grade 12
-High qualities of citizenship, leadership, & sportsmanship
Return applications to Student Services: 74FreemasonsAPRIL
38Nova Scotia Freemasons' Bursary-Truro Masonic Lodge #43$2250-Canadian citizen, resident of Colchester County, CEC graduate
-First year degree granting university/college in one of four Atlantic Provinces
-Minimum average of 75% in grade 12
-High qualities of citizenship, leadership, & sportsmanship
Return applications to Student Services: Nova Scotia Freemasons Bursary #43APRIL
39George Bateman Memorial Scholarship-proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other)
Application form:
40Arlene Burris Memorial Scholarship-proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other)
Application form:
41APSEA Auxiliary Verna Munroe Volunteer Community Award$250-proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other)
Application form:
42APSEA Auxiliary Raymond LeBlanc Bursary$100-proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other)
Application form:
43APSEA Auxiliary Post-Secondary Bursary$500-proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institution
-an updated audiogram (within the last year)
-demonstration of financial need
-3 references (character, academic, and one other)
Application form:
44Emerge Scholarship$2500-pursing post-secondary educationApplication form:
45Charlie A'Court Scholarship for Excellence in Music (CASEM)$500-This award is open to musicians.

Application form:
46Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Award for Excellence in Visual Arts$1000-Are graduating from a public Nova Scotia high school
-Have applied or been accepted to an arts-related post-secondary program
Application form:
47Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Award for Excellence in Performing Arts$1000-Are graduating from a public Nova Scotia high school
-Have applied or been accepted to an arts-related post-secondary program
Application form:
48Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Award for Excellence in Digital Multimedia$1000-Are graduating from a public Nova Scotia high school
-Have applied or been accepted to an arts-related post-secondary program
Application form:
49Amy Farnell Education Award$3000 for up to 4 years Be a resident of Nova Scotia.
Identify as being on the autism spectrum.
Have been accepted to, or currently enrolled in, any post-secondary institution.
Be registered to a course load that qualifies them as a full-time student.
Be more likely to pursue post-secondary education with this extra financial support.
Application form:
50Promise Scholarship Program$1500-2000-Identify as First Nations, Metis, or Inuit
-Graduating student
-Minimum of 75% in their grade 11 couses
-Planning to apply to at least one health related program at a university/college/or other PSE institution
Application form:
51Sable Island Scholarship$1500-Open to any grade 12 student in the NS school system
-Applied to post-secondary educational institution in 2021
Application form:
52Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship$1500-CVFSA members or dependant children of members who are pursing their goal of higher education under the age of 25
Application form:
54Engineers Nova Scotia and Techsploration Award$1000-Techsplorer Alumnae are eligible to apply
-Applicants must be accepted into a recognized engineering program as a full time student
-Grade 12 graduates of Techsploration school in NS, who are women, are eligible to apply.
Application form:
55AA Munro/Truro Minor Football Bursary$1500-Truro Minor Football Alumni that is a graduating student
-CEC Football Cougar player an asset, but not a priority
-Shows leadership, sportsmanship, integrity and active as community member
-Financial need shall be considered, but not overriding the above
Application form:
56Black Educators Association Bursary$500-African NS learner -at least one parent to be of African descent
-Resident of NS
-Demonstrate financial need
-Continuing studies at post-secondary institution
Application form:
57Arnold G. Jones Bursary$3000-Must be a child or grandchild of the Nova Scotia Association of REALTORS
Application form:
58The Michelle Misener Building Futures BursaryVaries-Applicants must be currently registered or previously involved in a mentoring program with BBBS Colchester.Application form:


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
3The EANS Memorial Scholarship-The Jesse Payne Memorial Bursary$500-Must be under physician’s care for the treatment of epilepsy, to assist with their post-secondary education at any recognized institution throughout the worldThe Epilepsy Association of NS
5880 Spring Garden Rd, Suite 306
Halifax, NS B3H 1Y1
Application: http://epilepsyns.com/eans/purple.html
4The EANS Memorial Scholarship-Russell Kline Memorial Bursary3@$500-Must have been accepted at a recognized post-secondary institution
-Letter verifying the diagnosis of Epilepsy from GP or Neurologist
-Required: written submission (no more than 3 pages) please include: your goals, how the scholarship will make you achieve those goals, how this will make a difference in your life
-Two reference letters needed
-More details on applications form
The EANS Education Committee
The Medical Arts Building
5880 Spring Garden Rd
Suite 306
Halifax, NS
B3H 1Y1
Phone: 902-429-2633
Fax: 902-425-0821
Application: http://epilepsyns.com/eans/purple.html
5Tourism Scholarship$1250-NS graduating student
-Post-Secondary undergraduate study relevant to Tourism/Hospitality industry at eligible university, community college, and private school
-Renewable (must re-apply)
Tourism Scholarship
C/o TIANS Human Resource Council
1109 Marginal Road Suite 2011
Halifax, NS B3H 4P7
Application: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/be12e74e9488f5b9154d50511/files/HighSchoolTourismScholarships.pdf
6Truro Golf Club Member Memorial Award$500-Must be a member of Truro Golf Club
-Graduating student going on to post-secondary studies
Al MacDonald
Truro Golf Club
7Ed Lorraine BursaryVaries-Must attend post secondary institution
-Must reside and attend school in Colchester North (NCHS or CEC)
-Must attain a minimum average 65% (five or more subjects at the grade 12 level
-Student should demonstrate leadership, citizenship and integrity through school and/or community involvement
-Please include a copy of your transcript.
Student Services

Application Form: ed-lorraine-bursary
9Munro C. Bell Bursary$1000-Resident of Stewiacke Valley graduating from CEC or SCA
-Enrolled in any human health related discipline in a post-secondary institution, including community college
-Based on need, academic standing, character, extra-curricular/community activities
Student Services
Cheryl MacKay

Application Form: munro-c-bell-bursary
10Grace Bethel Health Education Bursary$2000-Must be entering a health related field directly from high school
-Should have conditional acceptance from institution at which further study will be pursued
-Graduating current year from one of the CCRSB schools
-Write letter indicating activities, interest, plans along with names and addresses of two character reference
Grace Bethel BursaryMAY
11Canadian Union of Public Employees-Local 38906@$750-Attending school in CCRSB
-Is planning to attend post-secondary institution/college
-Based on academic performance, participation in school/community affairs
-Financial need
-Preference given to son, daughter, ward of Local 3890 CUPE member
CUPE Local 3890
C/o Sherrylynn Jaguary-Woodworth
40 Matthews Drive
M-2, Comp 15
Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0
Application Form: http://cecstudentservices.ccrce.ca/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/May-number-11.pdf
12Morton Simmonds Educational Scholarship Correctional Workers ProgramTuition and textbooks-Member of African Nova Scotian Community and/or First Nations Community
-19 years of age or older (proof of age required).
-Applicants must hold a high school diploma or GED Certificate.
-NSCC Human Service course or university degree.
-Be accepted by NSCC (Correction Officer Program).
-All potential candidates shall meet all requirements for employment and student placement at a Provincial Correctional Services Facility prior to being accepted.
Morton Simmonds Scholarship Society
16 Robert Annie Lane
North Preston, NS
B2Z 1A4

Application Form: morton-simmonds-educational-scholarship
13Nova Scotia Department of Education African Canadian Services Division-University Entrance Scholarship$4500-Available to African Nova Scotian students who have successfully completed courses required for a NS High School Graduation Diploma
-Have been accepted into post secondary institution immediately following Grade 12
-Average 75% or higher in Grade 12 required number of subjects
-Demonstrated leadership qualities
-Recommended by high school administration
-Accepted for registration in a full time degree program
Dept of Education and Culture
African Canadian Services Division
PO Box 578
2024 Brunswick Street
Halifax, NS
B3J 2S9
Application: https://acs.ednet.ns.ca/content/scholarship-program-african-nova-scotian-students
15Andrew Yorke Memorial BursaryVaries-Lives in the Five Islands, Economy, Bass River area
-Graduating student
Carole Fisher/Bonnie Yorke
2896 Hwy 4
Glenholme, NS
B0M 1G0

Application Form: andrew-yorke-memorial-bursary
16Halifax Region Children’s Aid Foundation Education Achievement AwardVaries-Youth formerly in the care and custody of the Province of Nova ScotiaHalifax Region Children’s Aid Foundation
1888 Brunswick Street, Suite 803
Halifax, NS B3J 3J8
Application: http://www.hrcaf.org
17Monsanto Canada Opportunity Scholarship$1500-Canadian high school student from agricultural or forestry family farms who have successfully enrolled at Canadian educational institution
-First year in agricultural science or forestry program
Monsanto Canada Opportunity Scholarships
Monsanto Canada Inc.
67 Scurfield Blvd..
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 1G4
19Harry Jerome ScholarshipVaries-High academic achievement
-Financial need
-Recognized contribution to the Black Community
The Board of Trustees
Harry Jerome Scholarship
C/o Black Business and Professional Association
307-675 King Street West
Toronto, ON
M5V 1M9
Application: http://bbpa.org
21Rose Benteau, Jack Stuewe and Gary Rix Educational Awards$1000-Must be a member or child of a memberRose Benteau, Jack Stuewe and Gary Rix
Educational Awards Committee
c/o Province House Credit Union
1724 Granville Street
Halifax, NS B3J 1X5
Application: https://www.provincialemployees.com/Home/InOurCommunity/CommunityPrograms/EducationalAwards/
24Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers Scholarship1@ $6000
12@ $1500
-Must be a Canadian resident studying in Canada
-Must be enrolled in a post-secondary program of at least 2 years
-Must be in Grade 11 or 12
College or University students must be enrolled in at least one more full year of study as of Spring 2010
-Must be sponsored by a CFIG member store
-Only complete applications containing full and accurate information will be considered
-Plagiarism is an infringement of copyright laws. All essays must be properly referenced.
Apply online
25Nova Scotia Fruit Growers Bursary$500-Member (or child) of the NSFGA
-Entering or already studying in a field of Agriculture
-Academic achievement
-Community involvement
Education Committee
NS Fruit Growers Bursary
Blair House
Agriculture Centre
Kentville, NS
B4N 1J5
26MADD Canada Bursary Fund$2000-Canadian students who have a had a parent or legal guardian killed in an impaired driving crash
-Pursuing any full time post secondary educational program that is approved by a provincial Ministry of Education
Sandy Jukes
Partnership Outreach Manager
MADD Canada
500-2010 Winston Park Drive
Oakville, ON L6H 5R7
905-829-8805 EXT 300
Application: www.madd.ca
27Bible Hill Kinsmen Bursary Award3@$1000-Resident of Colchester County
-Graduate of CEC, SCA
-Attending recognized post-secondary institution (Canada, USA)
-Financial need and academic achievement
-Awarded upon successful completion of first semester and proof of registration for second semester (award sent to institution)
Bursary Award Application:Bible Hill Kinsmen AwardnewMAY
28Nova Scotia Power Mi'kmaq Bursaries4@$1000-Registered Mi'kmaw person with one of the thirteen Mi'kmaw communities in NS
-Permanent resident of NS
--Planning on attending a Canadian University or College: Power Engineering, Power Line Tech, Instrumentation Tech, Engineering, Technology, Business, Marketing and Communication, Environmental Sciences or Law
-Minimum 75%
30The Pat Lord Post Secondary Education Award for Pictou County Adoptees$2000-Youth who was in the care of the Children's Aid Society of Pictou County and who is placed for adoption either in Pictou County or elsewhere in Nova Scotiawww.aberdeenhealthfoundation.com/patlordaward/MAY
31The Kinsmen Club of Bible Hill-Kevin Croft Memorial Bursary$1000-Grade 12 graduating
-NSCC or equivalent to obtain a diploma in a Red Seal Trade
Application Form:kcbursaryapplicationMAY
33Autism NS Truro Chapter Student Bursary Varies-Final year of high school in Colchester county/Town of Truro/Municipality of East Hants
-Diagnosis of autism, spectrum disorder (ASD)
-Proof of acceptance to recognized post- secondary institute
Application Form: Autism Student Bursary ApplicationMAY
35The Promise Scholarship$1500-2000Self-identify as First Nations, Métis, or Inuit;

Be from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland & Labrador but do not need to be currently living in one of these provinces;

Be enrolled as a Grade 12 student during the 2021-2022 academic year;

Have a minimum grade point average of 75% in their grade 11 high school courses;

Be planning to apply to at least one health-related program at a university, college or other PSE institution that begins the following school year (Fall 2022 or Winter 2023); and

Complete the application form, respond to four essay questions, and submit your resume and transcript
36Bill Riley Award-African NS student who embodies the characteristics and traits that Riley demonstrated during his hockey career including: an exceptional teammate, competitive, passionate about hockey, tenacious work ethichttps://hockeynovascotia.ca/home/hockey-nova-scotia-introduces-two-new-awards-honouring-bill-rileyMAY
37Bill Riley Scholarship$2000-African NS who plans to pursue a post secondary education after high school. The recipient should be a driven, hard-working student who is passionate about hockeyhttps://hockeynovascotia.ca/home/hockey-nova-scotia-introduces-two-new-awards-honouring-bill-rileyMAY
38Federation of Foster Families of Nova Scotia-The Jenny Cajolais Memorial ScholarshipVaries-A birth or adopted child of foster parents who have been fostering for a minimum of 5 years
-Must be enrolled in an educational program to further his/her skills
Federation of Foster Families of Nova Scotia
PO Box 2282
Halifax Central Post Office
Halifax, NS
B3J 3C8
Application: www.fosterfamilies.ns.ca/resources
39 Federation of Foster Families of Nova Scotia-The Thelma Goodall Memorial BursaryVaries -Youth in care or former youth in care who is enrolled in an educational program to further his/her skillsFederation of Foster Families of Nova Scotia
PO Box 2282
Halifax Central Post Office
Halifax, NS
B3J 3C8
Application: www.fosterfamilies.ns.ca/resources
40Engineers Nova Scotia and Techsploration Award$1000• A transcript of your academic record.
• A letter of reference (preferably from an employer, volunteer organization, or a community
member/leader) to briefly state the applicant’s merits to receive the Engineers Nova Scotia and
Techsploration Award. Endorsements from a parent/guardian or a teacher who has helped with the
Techsploration program cannot be used.
•Acceptance letter from a post-secondary institution confirming acceptance into an engineering program
41Nova Scotia Clean Economy Scholarship$3000-Graduate of NS High School with an average mark of 75%www.novascotia.ca/energyscholarshipMAY
42Environmental Services Association Maritimes Scholarship Program$500-Resident of the Maritimes
-Accepted to attend a post secondary institution in the year of the award
-Furthering education in a science or environmental field of study
Application link: http://cecstudentservices.ccrce.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/ESAM-2023.pdfMAY
43Cobequid Arts Council/Marigold Cultural Centre BursaryVaries-Graduating student from a high school in Colchester County who has been accepted into a full-time post-secondary program within the Arts (music, theatre, dance, visual arts, etc) Application link: http://cecstudentservices.ccrce.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Arts-Council-2024.pdfMAY
44We Are Unbreakable BursaryVaries-Female student from rural Nova Scotia
-Pursuing post secondary education
-Has overcome adversity and barriers to pursue their education
-Qualities of resiliency and strength
Application link: http://cecstudentservices.ccrce.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/We-Are-Unbreakable-Bursary.pdfMAY
45Rick and Amanda Hansen Scholarship for Youth with Disabilitiesup to $40000-A person with a disability, defined as a functional limitation
-Canadian citizen
-Public university, college or institute in Canada


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
1Trappers Association Bursary-Marion Sweet Memorial Bursary$500-High school completion
-Available to members of the Trappers Association
Ross White
271 Valley Road
Truro, NS B2N 5B2
Application: http://www.trappersassociationofnovascotia.ca/education/marion_award.asp
2Graham Pinsent Memorial Bursary$500-Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered youth, age twenty five or under who:
• have been accepted to or are attending a Canadian post secondary institution
• is a resident of Nova Scotia
• demonstrates financial need
Graham Pinsent Memorial Bursary Fund
Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth Project
2281 Brunswick Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 2Y9
Application: http://www.youthproject.ns.ca/bursary
3The Buddy Daye Scholarship Award$500-Any individual, school, youth group, community group or sports organization may nominate for the award ) NO individual can nominate himself/herself for the award)
-Youth between 14 and 24 years old are eligible for the award
-The nominee must be a resident of Nova Scotia
-The nominees will be rated on athletic accomplishments, community involvement (civil and human rights, and volunteer activity beneficial to the community) and scholastic achievement in the qualifying past 12 months(from July to June)
-Only activities done in a volunteer capacity will be considered
-The nominee must be continuing their studies in the upcoming academic year
The Buddy Daye Scholarship Selection Committee
PO Box 8071
Halifax, NS B3k 5L8
c/o Community Foundations of Nova Scotia
5718 Point Pleasant Dr
Halifax, NS B3N 1B5
Application: http://cfns-fcne.ca
4The Kidney Foundation of Canada Atlantic Canada Branch Bursary$500-Financial need
-Any kidney patient, the spouse of a kidney patient, or a dependent child of a kidney patient
-Permanent resident of NS or NB
5Epilepsy Association of the Maritimes- Di Setchell Memorial Bursary$1000-Full time student in the Maritimes who live with epilepsy
-Financial need
6Epilepsy Association of Maritimes - James Russel Kline Memorial Bursary$750-Full time student in the Maritimes who live with epilepsy
-Financial need
7Epilepsy Association of Maritimes - Memorial Scholarship$1000-Full time student in the Maritimes who live with epilepsy
-Have an average of 80 or above
8The Warrior ScholarshipVaries-Graduating student
-Has a life threatening (chronic or terminal) disease
-Plans on continuing their post secondary education
Application is an essay on why you feel like you qualify and how the scholarship could help you.
Deadline June 11 by email raumc@ccrce.ca
9Cityline Scholarship for BIPOC Women$5000-Student entering their first year of Media studies related program at a Canadian college or universityhttps://www.cityline.tv/2021/04/20/enter-cityline-scholarship/JUNE
10Atlantic Indigenous Mentorship NetworkFor Indigenous high school students from Atlantic Canada interested in post secondary health related programswww.atlantic-imn.caJUNE
11APEX Invitational Golf Association AwardVaries-African
Canadian student
-Graduating student


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline
1National Union-Indigenous Students$1500-All Aboriginal Canadian children (including foster children) of National Union of Public Employees members who plan to enter the first year of an Canadian public post-secondary education institution full timeNational Union-Aboriginal Canadians
15 Auriga Drive
Nepean, ON
K2E 1B7
Phone: 613-228-9800
2National Union-Tommy Douglas Scholarship$1500-Child/foster child of Nation Union member
- Entering first year full time program at post-secondary institution in the fall
National Union-Tommy Douglas Scholarship
15 Auriga Drive
Nepean, ON
K2E 1B7
Phone: 613-228-9800
Fax: 613-228-9801
Application: www.nupge.ca
3National Union-Visible Minorities$1500-Visible minority child/foster child of National Union member
-Entering first year full time program at post-secondary institution in the fall
National Union-Visible Minorities
15 Auriga Drive
Nepean, ON
K2E 1B7
Phone: 613-228-9800/9801 fax
Application: www.nupge.ca
4National Union-Terry Fox Foundation Scholarship$1500-Child/foster child with disabilities of National Union member
-Entering first year full time program at post-secondary institution in the fall
National Union-Terry Fox Foundation Scholarship
15 Auriga Drive
Nepean, ON K2E 1B7
Phone: 613-228-9800
Application: www.nupge.ca
5National Union- Brian Fudge Memorial Scholarship$1500- entering the field of study in policing, criminal justice services, community services or health care services.
- be a child/grandchild of National Union of Public and General Employees current or retired.
- Plan to study at a Canadian public post secondary institution in the following year.
National Union- Brian Fudge Memorial Scholarship
15 Auriga Drive
Nepean, ON K2E 1B7
Phone: 613-228-9800
Application: www.nupge.ca
6Nova Scotia Federation of Labour CLC Bursary-Joe Gannon Memorial Bursary$1000-Cannot apply for JK Bell Bursary
-Son/daughter/legal ward of a trade unionist whose local union is affiliated with NS Federation of Labour
-Entering degree-granting university
Selections Committee
NS Federation of Labour
Suite 225
3700 Kempt Road
Halifax, NS
B3K 4X8 www.nsfl.ns.ca
Application: nslabour.ca/for-union-members/education/workplace-education/bursaries/
7Nova Scotia Federation of Labour CLC Bursary-J. K. Bell Bursary$1000-Cannot apply for Joe Gannon or Leo McKay Bursaries)
-Son/daughter/legal ward of a trade unionist whose local union is affiliated with NS Federation of Labour
-Entering program at Community College, Trade School
Selections Committee
NS Federation of Labour
Suite 225
3700 Kempt Road
Halifax, NS
B3K 4X8 www.nsfl.ns.ca
Application: nslabour.ca/for-union-members/education/workplace-education/bursaries/
8Nova Scotia Federation of Labour CLC Bursary-Leo F McKay Bursary$1000-Cannot apply for JK Bell Bursary
-Son/daughter/legal ward of a trade unionist whose local union is affiliated with NS Federation of Labour
58-Entering degree-granting university
Selections Committee
NS Federation of Labour
Suite 225
3700 Kempt Road
Halifax, NS
B3K 4X8 www.nsfl.ns.ca
Application: nslabour.ca/for-union-members/education/workplace-education/bursaries/
9Nova Scotia Federation of Labour CLC Bursary-Alex (Sugarcamp) MacDonald Memorial Bursary$1000-Son/daughter/legal ward of a trade unionist whose local union is affiliated with NS Federation of Labour
-Entering degree-granting university, college, trade/technical school, community college
Selections Committee
NS Federation of Labour
Suite 225
3700 Kempt Road
Halifax, NS
B3K 4X8 www.nsfl.ns.ca
Application: nslabour.ca/for-union-members/education/workplace-education/bursaries/
10Nova Scotia Federation of Labour CLC Bursary-Glenda Cooper Memorial Bursary$1000-Son/daughter/legal ward of a trade unionist whose local union is affiliated with NS Federation of Labour
-Entering degree-granting university, college, trade/technical school, community college
Selections Committee
NS Federation of Labour
Suite 225
3700 Kempt Road
Halifax, NS
B3K 4X8 www.nsfl.ns.ca
Application: nslabour.ca/for-union-members/education/workplace-education/bursaries/
12Nova Scotia Department of Education African Canadian Services Division-Community College or Trade School Award$1800-Successful completion of grade 12 in NS
-Immediate enrollment to post-secondary institution in approved Community College or Trade School
-Available one year, unless program is two years in duration
-Studying in the field of Performing Arts
Dept of Education and Culture
African Canadian Services Division
PO Box 578
2024 Brunswick Street
Halifax, NS
B3J 2S9
Application: https://acs.ednet.ns.ca/content/scholarship-program-african-nova-scotian-students
13Nova Scotia Department of Education African Canadian Services Division-Post-Secondary Promotion Award$2500-Enrolled full time in the first year at an approved post-secondary institution
-Also full time second year students who successfully complete first year
Dept of Education and Culture
African Canadian Services Division
PO Box 578
2024 Brunswick Street
Halifax, NS
B3J 2S9
Application: https://acs.ednet.ns.ca/content/scholarship-program-african-nova-scotian-students
14Nova Scotia Department of Education African Canadian Services Divisions-Performing Arts$1000-An African Nova Scotian student is a Canadian citizen whose parent(s) is (are) of the African descent
-Resides in Nova Scotia
-Graduate of Nova Scotia school system
-Have a concentration in one of the performing arts genre
Dept of Education and Culture
African Canadian Services Division
PO Box 578
2024 Brunswick Street
Halifax, NS
B3J 2S9
Application: https://acs.ednet.ns.ca/content/scholarship-program-african-nova-scotian-students
15National Union-Students of Colour$1500-All Aboriginal Canadian children (including foster children) of National Union of Public Employees members who plan to enter the first year of an Canadian public post-secondary education institution full timeNational Union-Students of Colour
15 Auriga Drive
Nepean, ON
K2E 1B7
Phone: 613-228-9800
16National Union-LGBTQ2 Students$1500-All Aboriginal Canadian children (including foster children) of National Union of Public Employees members who plan to enter the first year of an Canadian public post-secondary education institution full timeNational Union-LGBTQ2
15 Auriga Drive
Nepean, ON
K2E 1B7
Phone: 613-228-9800
17Nova Scotia Strong Flower Fund Bursary2@$500-Grade 12 from Colchester County
-Has been accepted into a full time program (Sept 2020 or Jan 2021) in a accredited CCA or LPN program
-Volunteerism maybe considered
The Nova Scotia Strong Flower Fund BursaryJULY
18Johnson Scholarship Program 50@1000 a resident of a province or territory of Canada;
completing high school in 2021; and
enrolled in an undergraduate program on a full-time basis for the 2021-2022 academic year at a recognized publicly funded Canadian post-secondary institution or CEGEP (if living in the province of Quebec).

Applicants must also fall into at least one of the following categories:

have a
home or car insurance policy through Johnson or
MEDOC travel insurance policy or
group benefits plan (such as health, dental or life insurance) through Johnson
be a member or employee of a Johnson recognized group* (policy not required);
have a parent/guardian or grandparent who has a
home or car insurance policy through Johnson or
MEDOC travel insurance policy or
group benefits plan (such as health, dental or life insurance) through Johnson
have a parent/guardian or grandparent who is a member or employee of a Johnson recognized group* (policy not required); OR
be a child/grandchild of a Johnson employee.
19Techsploration DeWalt Canada Women in Skilled Trades$5001) All Techsploration Alumnae are eligible to apply to receive one of the five Combo-kits available.
2) All female Grade 12 graduates from any Techsploration schools are eligible to apply.
3) Applicants must be entering their first or second year of any skilled trades program across Canada as
full-time students and must provide proof of acceptance for the program they have been accepted into.


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualificationsSend toDeadline


#Name of ScholarshipAmountQualifcationsSend toDeadline
1Harrison McCain Scholarship$4000 per year-80% average in senior year of high school.
-Selection is based on academic performance, financial need, leadership qualities and a recognized initiative in funding own education.
-Check university websites for due dates (usually 2nd or 3rd week of March).
Check all University and College website for application and deadlinesCheck each University
2Bob Molaski Bursary$500-Applicants must have a relative that is a member at the Mountain Golf and Country Club
-Graduating student
-Must be planning to attend any post secondary institution/college
Att: Ross Percy/Bob Molaski Bursary
Mountain Golf and Country Club
1195 Pictou Road
East Mountain, NS
B6L 2N1
3Nova Scotia Community College Entrance Awards26 @ $2700-Minimum average of 75% of the top five Grade 11 marks and up to five of the top Grade 12 marks.
-Required to submit a brief essay on the merits of a community college education. Maximum length of no more than 500 words or two pages double-spaced, typed text.
-Financial need.
NSCC Campus you will be attending in September.Varies
4Nova Scotia Talent TrustVariesOutstanding/exceptional talents and potential to become recognized artists in their chosen fields
-Priority given to those undertaking recognized program
-Resident of Nova Scotia (at least 4 years)
-Specific support materials (see application) for: Dance, Theatre, Musical Theatre & Opera; Literary Arts, Media Arts, Music and all audio tapes; Visual Arts, Film and Video
NS Talent Trust
PO Box 578
Halifax, NS
B3J 2S9
Phone: 902-424-4179
Fax: 902-424-010